ZFS useful commands

ZFS useful commands

Create pool

Storage providers

Storage provides are spinning disks or SSDs.

ls -al /dev/ada?


Vdevs are grouping of storage providers into various RAID configurations.

RAID 0 or Stripes

Create stripes pool

zpool create OurFirstZpool ada1 ada2 ada3

RAID 1 or Mirror

Create mirror vdev and add into pool

zpool create tank mirror ada1 ada2 ada3

Create another group of mirror vdev and add into existing pool

zpool add tank mirror ada4 ada5 ada6

Detach a disk from vdev

zpool detach tank ada4


Create RAID-Z1 vdev and add into pool

zpool create tank raidz1 ada1 ada2 ada3

Create a RAID-Z1 vdev and add into existing pool

zpool add tank raidz1 ada4 ada5 ada6


Zpools are aggregation of vdevs into a single storage pools

Create pool

zpool create OurFirstZpool ada1 ada2 ada3

Verify pool

zpool status

Add a new disk (vdev) to increase space

zpool add OurFirstZpool ada4


Z-Filesystems are datasets with cool features like compression and reservation.

Create dataset

zfs create OurFirstZpool/dataset1

List dataset

zfs list


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