Category: hugo

Learning – Hugo – Static Site Generator

Learning - Hugo - Static Site Generator



hugo version


  • Install Homebrew

  • Install hugo

brew install hugo
hugo version

Create a new site

hugo new site <site_name>

Then the folder created.

Site contents

  • archetypes - data type
  • content
  • data
  • layouts
  • static
  • themes
  • config.toml


theme = "ga-hugo-theme"

Create content

hugo new
hugo new dir1/

Run hugo in draft mode

hugo server -D

Single content

Display one page content.

List content

List other single contents in the page. The list page for Level 1 directories are automatically created hugo.

Manually create list page

Force hugo create list page, create file in the directory, and update the content of file will show on the list page

hugo new dir1/dir2/

Front Matter


title: "title"
date: 2017-...
draft: true


title = "title"
date = 2017-...
draft = true


The file archetypes/ has the template of new files.

tltle: "{{ replace .TranslationBaseName "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
draft: true

The template file can be named as directory name, such as, it will be used for contents created in dir1

hugo new dir1/


The predefined shortcodes can be found in hugo shortcode page, it also can be customized using shortcode template.

{{< youtube w7Ft2ymGmfc >}}


Tags and categories

tags: [ "tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
categories: [ "cat1"]

The tags and categories will be shown in contents if using learning theme.

Access tags and categories from page


Custome taxonomy

In content file

Moods: [ "Happy", "Upbeat" ]

In config.toml file

  tag = "tags"
  category = "categories"
  mood = "moods"

Note: If taxonomies session exists in config.toml file, then tag and category also must be included.

  • Restart hugo server

Template Basics

Theme template

Templates are in themes/ga-hugo-theme/layouts/_default. The list.html is for list page, the single.html is for single page.

Custome template

List page

Create in layouts/_default/list.html

  <meta charset="UTF-8">

    {{ range .Pages }}
      <li><a href="{{.URL}}">{{.Title}}</a></li>

Single page

Create in layouts/_default/page.html

  <meta charset="UTF-8">


Home page

Home page is a special list page. Create in layouts/index.html.

Section template

Create in layouts/_default/<dir_name>/single.html, which replace the template for files in <dir_name>.

Base Templates & Blocks

Create in layouts/_default/baseof.html, it is the template for all pages.

  <meta charset="UTF-8">

  Top of baseof
  {{ block "main" . }}


  {{ block "footer" . }}
  Bottom of baseof

The create layouts/_default/single.html

{{ define "main" }}
  This is the single template
{{ define "footer" }}
  This is the single footer

The create layouts/_default/list.html

{{ define "main" }}
  This is the list template

Note: no overwrite in layouts/_default/list.html for footer.


Hugo variables only can be used in templates in layout.

For example:

<h1 style="color: {{ .Params.color }}">Single Template</h1><hr><br>

{{ .Title }} {{ .Date }} {{ .URL }}
{{ .Params.myVar }}

The myVar and color are custom variables defined in markdown file

myVar: "myValue"
color: "blue"

Define in template

{{ $myVarName := "string value" }}

<h1>{{ $myVarName }}</h1>


Hugo functions only can be used in templates in layout.

{{ funcName param1 param2 }}

For example:

{{ truncate 10 "This is a very long string" }}
{{ add 1 5 }}
{{ sub 1 5 }}
{{ singularize "dogs" }}
{{ range .Pages }}
  {{ .Title }} <br>
{{ end }}

If Statements

{{ $var1 := "dog" }}
{{ $var2 := "cat" }}

{{ if not (eq $var1 $var2) }}
{{ else if ... }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
{{ if and (lt $var1 $var2) (lt $var1 $var3) }}
{{ $title := .Title }}
{{ range .Site.Pages }}
  <li><a href="{{.URL}}" style="{{ if eq .Title $title }} background-color:yellow; {{end}}">{{.Title}}</a></li>
{{ end }}

Data Files

The JSON, YAML, TOML files, for example, data/states.json

{{ range .Site.Data.states }}
  {{.name}} <br> {{.capital}}

Partial Templates

Header, footer, etc. Create file in layouts/partials/header.html


In layouts/_default/single.html

{{ partial "header" . }}
<h1>Single Template</h1><hr><br>

Note: The . after "header" is indicating the entire scope of variables.

Custom dictionary


In layouts/_default/single.html

{{ partial "header" (dict "myTitle" "myCustomTitle" "myDate" "myCustomDate")}}
<h1>Single Template</h1><hr><br>

Note: It is the same as myTitle := myCustomTitle, myDate := myCustomDate

Shortcode Templates

Shortcode is used in markdown file, created in layouts/shortcodes.

Using variable name

For example, layouts/shortcodes/myshortcode.html

This is my shortcode file.
<p style="color: {{.Get `color`}}">This is the frameworks text</p>

Note: the " is replaced to "`"

In markdown file

{{< myshortcode color="blue">}}

Using variable number

For example, layouts/shortcodes/myshortcode.html

This is my shortcode file.
<p style="color: {{.Get 0}}">This is the frameworks text</p>

Note: the " is replaced to "`"

In markdown file

{{< myshortcode blue >}}

Multiple lines

In markdown file

{{< myshortcode >}}
  This is the text inside the shortcode tags
{{< /myshortcode >}}

In template file

<p style="background-color: yellow;">{{.Inner}}</p>

If you want to use markdown in shortcode, do follow

{{% myshortcode %}}
  **bold text**
{{% /myshortcode %}}

Building your site

huge server -D

If you just want to build the site into public folder


Note: delete public folder first.


Hugo - Static Site Generator | Tutorial