Learning – Hugo – Static Site Generator

Learning - Hugo - Static Site Generator



hugo version


  • Install Homebrew

  • Install hugo

brew install hugo
hugo version

Create a new site

hugo new site <site_name>

Then the folder created.

Site contents

  • archetypes - data type
  • content
  • data
  • layouts
  • static
  • themes
  • config.toml


theme = "ga-hugo-theme"

Create content

hugo new a.md
hugo new dir1/b.md

Run hugo in draft mode

hugo server -D

Single content

Display one page content.

List content

List other single contents in the page. The list page for Level 1 directories are automatically created hugo.

Manually create list page

Force hugo create list page, create _index.md file in the directory, and update the content of _index.md file will show on the list page

hugo new dir1/dir2/_index.md

Front Matter


title: "title"
date: 2017-...
draft: true


title = "title"
date = 2017-...
draft = true


The file archetypes/default.md has the template of new files.

tltle: "{{ replace .TranslationBaseName "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
draft: true

The template file can be named as directory name, such as dir1.md, it will be used for contents created in dir1

hugo new dir1/b.md


The predefined shortcodes can be found in hugo shortcode page, it also can be customized using shortcode template.

{{< youtube w7Ft2ymGmfc >}}


Tags and categories

tags: [ "tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
categories: [ "cat1"]

The tags and categories will be shown in contents if using learning theme.

Access tags and categories from page


Custome taxonomy

In content file

Moods: [ "Happy", "Upbeat" ]

In config.toml file

  tag = "tags"
  category = "categories"
  mood = "moods"

Note: If taxonomies session exists in config.toml file, then tag and category also must be included.

  • Restart hugo server

Template Basics

Theme template

Templates are in themes/ga-hugo-theme/layouts/_default. The list.html is for list page, the single.html is for single page.

Custome template

List page

Create in layouts/_default/list.html

  <meta charset="UTF-8">

    {{ range .Pages }}
      <li><a href="{{.URL}}">{{.Title}}</a></li>

Single page

Create in layouts/_default/page.html

  <meta charset="UTF-8">


Home page

Home page is a special list page. Create in layouts/index.html.

Section template

Create in layouts/_default/<dir_name>/single.html, which replace the template for files in <dir_name>.

Base Templates & Blocks

Create in layouts/_default/baseof.html, it is the template for all pages.

  <meta charset="UTF-8">

  Top of baseof
  {{ block "main" . }}


  {{ block "footer" . }}
  Bottom of baseof

The create layouts/_default/single.html

{{ define "main" }}
  This is the single template
{{ define "footer" }}
  This is the single footer

The create layouts/_default/list.html

{{ define "main" }}
  This is the list template

Note: no overwrite in layouts/_default/list.html for footer.


Hugo variables only can be used in templates in layout.

For example:

<h1 style="color: {{ .Params.color }}">Single Template</h1><hr><br>

{{ .Title }} {{ .Date }} {{ .URL }}
{{ .Params.myVar }}

The myVar and color are custom variables defined in markdown file

myVar: "myValue"
color: "blue"

Define in template

{{ $myVarName := "string value" }}

<h1>{{ $myVarName }}</h1>



Hugo functions only can be used in templates in layout.

{{ funcName param1 param2 }}

For example:

{{ truncate 10 "This is a very long string" }}
{{ add 1 5 }}
{{ sub 1 5 }}
{{ singularize "dogs" }}
{{ range .Pages }}
  {{ .Title }} <br>
{{ end }}


If Statements

{{ $var1 := "dog" }}
{{ $var2 := "cat" }}

{{ if not (eq $var1 $var2) }}
{{ else if ... }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
{{ if and (lt $var1 $var2) (lt $var1 $var3) }}
{{ $title := .Title }}
{{ range .Site.Pages }}
  <li><a href="{{.URL}}" style="{{ if eq .Title $title }} background-color:yellow; {{end}}">{{.Title}}</a></li>
{{ end }}

Data Files

The JSON, YAML, TOML files, for example, data/states.json

{{ range .Site.Data.states }}
  {{.name}} <br> {{.capital}}

Partial Templates

Header, footer, etc. Create file in layouts/partials/header.html


In layouts/_default/single.html

{{ partial "header" . }}
<h1>Single Template</h1><hr><br>

Note: The . after "header" is indicating the entire scope of variables.

Custom dictionary


In layouts/_default/single.html

{{ partial "header" (dict "myTitle" "myCustomTitle" "myDate" "myCustomDate")}}
<h1>Single Template</h1><hr><br>

Note: It is the same as myTitle := myCustomTitle, myDate := myCustomDate

Shortcode Templates

Shortcode is used in markdown file, created in layouts/shortcodes.

Using variable name

For example, layouts/shortcodes/myshortcode.html

This is my shortcode file.
<p style="color: {{.Get `color`}}">This is the frameworks text</p>

Note: the " is replaced to "`"

In markdown file

{{< myshortcode color="blue">}}

Using variable number

For example, layouts/shortcodes/myshortcode.html

This is my shortcode file.
<p style="color: {{.Get 0}}">This is the frameworks text</p>

Note: the " is replaced to "`"

In markdown file

{{< myshortcode blue >}}

Multiple lines

In markdown file

{{< myshortcode >}}
  This is the text inside the shortcode tags
{{< /myshortcode >}}

In template file

<p style="background-color: yellow;">{{.Inner}}</p>

If you want to use markdown in shortcode, do follow

{{% myshortcode %}}
  **bold text**
{{% /myshortcode %}}

Building your site

huge server -D

If you just want to build the site into public folder


Note: delete public folder first.


Hugo - Static Site Generator | Tutorial

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