Tag: mouse

Disable Apple mouse swipe action

Disable Apple mouse swipe action

It is very easy for Apple mouse understands wrongly, and take action to back to my previous page. As the result, my few hours working on WordPress disappered.

Change mouse

Then I start using normal mouse, but hard to change between screen using keyboard, my remote control and virtual machine doesn't understand the keys, and holding keyboard actions made wrong password in login screen.

Disable swipe action

Then I found the way to disable swipe action as below

system preferences>trackpad or mouse>more gestures tab>uncheck "swipe between pages".


I just accidentally swiped right on my web page...how do I get it back?

Switch between Screens, Apps, Windows and Tabs in MacOS

Switch between Screens, Apps, Windows and Tabs in MacOS

This is not a complete list, I'm not a normal person who can remember all methods defined by others nowadays. In fact, I also don't read all words in other posts as well.

Instant switch

Screen Apps Windows Tabs
Keyboard Cmd-` Ctrl-Tab
Magic Mouse Double Finger Swipe
Magic Pad Triple Finger Swipe

Display icons before switch

Screen Apps Windows Tabs
Keyboard Cmd-Tab
Magic Mouse
Magic Pad

Display Windows before switch

Screen Apps Windows Tabs
Keyboard Ctrl-Left/Right Ctrl-Down Ctrl-Up
Magic Mouse Double Finger Tap
Magic Pad Triple Finger Tap


How To Switch Between Windows On Mac?