Table of Contents
VirtualBox Command Line
List all VMs
vboxmanage list vms
List all running VMs
vboxmanage list runningvms
Show a VM info
vboxmanage showvminfo <name or UUID>.
Start a VM
vboxmanage startvm <name or UUID>.
Control a VM
vboxmanage controlvm <subcommand>
Subcommand: pause, resume, reset, poweroff, and savestate
Unregister a VM
vboxmanage unregister <name or UUID>
Remove a VM
vboxmanage unregister --delete <name or UUID>
Modify a VM
vboxmanage modifyvm <name or UUID> --name <new name>
vboxmanage modifyvm <name or UUID> --description <new description>.
vboxmanage modifyvm <name or UUID> --memory <RAM in MB>.
vboxmanage modifyvm <name or UUID> --cpus <number>.
Change VM state
vboxmanage controlvm <name or UUID> setlinkstate<num> [off|on]
vboxmanage modifyvm <name or UUID> --nicpromisc<num> allow-all
vboxmanage controlvm nic<num> <network type>
Note: The <num>
is referring to eth<num>
interface. The Network type
can be hostonly
, etc.