Install nginx-ingress-controller for kubernetes
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
--repo \
--namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
--repo \
--namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace
Frames per second (FPS) gaming requires muscle memory, fast response is not only needs for screen, but also for player, there is no time to move eyes from screen to hands at all.
Place fingers correctly while gaming can take advantage, such as fast response, less mistake, less stress, etc. Following placement just a guide for some games, such as genshin impact, etc.
If you put keyboard flat, you may able to use the palm near to your pinky finger to hit control. In this case, you need to use Middle/Index/Ring to hit C/X/Z, anyway, thumb is not easy to reach them as well.
Most of buttons and sticks are very obvious, except bumpers and triggers.
The Xbox Series X|S wireless controller works with Xbox One, Windows 10, and cloud gaming devices.
N | Name | N | Name |
1 | Left stick | 10 | Expansion port |
2 | Left bumper | 11 | Right stick |
3 | View button | 12 | Left trigger |
4 | Xbox button | 13 | USB-C power port |
5 | Share button | X | X button |
6 | Menu button | Y | Y button |
7 | Right bumper | A | A button |
8 | Directional pad (D-pad) | B | B button |
9 | 3.5-mm port |